Only Allow Verified Customers to Leave a Review Shopify

Bellyaching at Fake Reviews?

Ever been shopping online at big marketplaces and find yourself trying to figure out which reviews are fake or non? Information technology'southward hard, isn't information technology? If it is hard for yous as a Shopify merchant, information technology is hard for customers too.

Your customers rely on reviews to brand ownership decisions online (and fifty-fifty in-store) because they can't always interact with you. Not only that, but online reviews tend to help would-be buyers reply the burning questions they accept almost a product.

Why Reviews Are Important to Making More than Sales

The vast majority (82%) of online shoppers look at reviews before making a purchase. Again people tin can't See the product in person then they have to rely on the star rating to sway their buying decision.

The more good reviews you accept, the ameliorate your chances of making a sale online. Lots of online marketplace sellers know this and are trying to game the arrangement by getting fake reviews for their product, but customers are starting to grab on!

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Why Fake Reviews Hurt Honest Shopify Store Owners

Shopify Merchant

While near of the shady stuff is going on at places similar Wal-Mart, Amazon, Sephora, and Yelp in that location are some Shopify stores that are actively displaying fake reviews on their online store.

When there are fake reviews floating around on the cyberspace, information technology makes it so much harder for customers to buy a product with confidence!

This lack of conviction can hurt your business fifty-fifty if yous haven't washed anything wrong. When people lose faith in the Shopify ecosystem, every Shopify store is a prey.

How Can Shopify Store Owners Fight Against Fake Reviews?

Dont Use Fake Reviews

i. Don't Postal service Fake Reviews

Starting time, shop owners can refuse to upload fake reviews to their stores. Information technology is hard in the first to generate reviews and social proof for your store simply honesty is the best policy for building trust amongst your visitors.

If you need help on how to get good social proof and generate customer reviews, check out this mail that we wrote!

two. Don't Use Imitation Review Apps

Fake Reviews Are The Worst

Second, Shopify shop owners can make the ecosystem better by not supporting fake review apps.

If y'all come up across an app that allows you to create or fake your own data don't trust it! It's not credible or trustworthy and customers tin can often encounter right through it.

Customers are smart and y'all want them to trust you, and then use real information, and bear witness existent reviews! The other thing is that Shopify can shut downward your store for using shady tactics that do against their terms of service.

They understand that there can be damage to the reputation of other stores if other Shopify stores are establish to be using simulated reviews.

three. Apply a Third Party to Verify Your Data

Brand sure that any review app or social proof app that yous use can verify the accuracy of your information.

This means that they will show your online customers that a purchase or product viewer counter is displaying accurate data.

Endeavor Fera Today!

Endeavour Fera for Trustworthy, Verified Testimonials and Reviews

At Fera, we truly believe in the eCommerce ecosystem.

That is why we have rolled out a new verification system that is available to all of our merchants. This verification system is bachelor on the following social proof content:

  • reviews
  • testimonial
  • added to cart counters
  • 'people watching' counters
  • recently purchased pop-ups


Why We Want to Banish Fake Reviews

The reason we decided to include these in our widget base of operations because we know how large of an event fake reviews on Shopify and other platforms tin be.

We wanted to offering merchants something that can verify reviews on their Shopify shop and keep the eCommerce ecosystem trustworthy for customers.

We've all been in the shoes of the customer when shopping when trying to decide if a review or product testimonial is fake or non, and it can be extremely frustrating!

Faux reviews hurt all online merchants by making eCommerce as a whole less trustworthy.

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Bear witness Curated Testimonials on Your Shopify Store

Help build trust with your visitors and add credibility with curated and personalized testimonials that can be placed anywhere on your Shopify store with the click of a push.

Testimonials/reviews are a powerful way to create social proof and increment heir-apparent confidence.

Fera lets you lot easily showcase your social proof with born feeds and blocks that show up to the shopper when the time is correct.

Take Action

Hopefully, you see the importance of gathering and curating authentic reviews for your products, and why you demand to keep fake reviews at bay.

Building trust with your customers is the best thing you can do to increase sales.

If you are ready to build trust and make more sales, try any of the verification features that Fera has to offer. Y'all can endeavour the app 30 Days for complimentary!

Try Fera Today!

Bonus Shopping Tool: Spot Fake Reviews Other Places Online

If y'all are personally looking to spot imitation reviews online, yous can try the site Fakespot. Fakespot allows yous to paste a URL to a product review and it does the difficult work of research for you.

This tool helps to analyze whether the reviews you lot are looking at are fake or not. This works for sites like

  • Amazon
  • Sephora
  • Yelp
  • Steam

It's non the 100% answer to dodge fake reviews, but information technology can provide a bunch of data to make you a better-informed conclusion-maker.


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