Read Monster Walter Dean Myers Online Free


  Walter Dean Myers


Illustrations past Christopher Myers

To John Brendel

for his long friendship



Monday, July 6th

Tuesday, July 7th

Wednesday, July viii

Thursday, July 9th

Friday, July 10th

Sabbatum, July 11th

Dominicus, July twelfth

Monday, July 13th

Tuesday, July 14th

Fri afternoon, July 17th

December, 5 months later on

Near the Authors


Other Books past Walter Dean Myers



Nigh the Publisher

The all-time fourth dimension to cry is at nighttime, when the lights are out and someone is being beaten upward and screaming for assistance. That mode even if y'all sniffle a petty they won't hear you. If anybody knows that you are crying, they'll start talking about it and before long it'll exist your turn to get trounce upwards when the lights get out.

There is a mirror over the steel sink in my cell. Information technology'southward six inches loftier, and scratched with the names of some guys who were hither before me. When I await into the pocket-sized rectangle, I run across a face looking back at me merely I don't recognize it. It doesn't look like me. I couldn't accept inverse that much in a few months. I wonder if I volition look like myself when the trial is over.

This morning at breakfast a guy got hit in the face with a tray. Somebody said some little thing and somebody else got mad. At that place was blood all over the place.

When the guards came over, they made us line upwards against the wall. The guy who was hitting they fabricated sit down at the tabular array while they waited for another guard to bring them condom gloves. When the gloves came, the guards put them on, handcuffed the guy, so took him to the dispensary. He was yet bleeding pretty bad.

They say you become used to being in jail, simply I don't see how. Every forenoon I wake up and I am surprised to be here. If your life outside was real, then everything in here is just the reverse. We slumber with strangers, wake up with strangers, and go to the bathroom in front of strangers. They're strangers but they yet observe reasons to hurt each other.

Sometimes I feel like I take walked into the eye of a movie. Information technology is a foreign picture with no plot and no first. The movie is in black and white, and grainy. Sometimes the camera moves in so close that you tin can't tell what is going on and you just heed to the sounds and guess. I have seen movies of prisons but never 1 like this. This is not a picture show almost bars and locked doors. It is about being lonely when you are not actually alone and about being scared all the time.

I recollect to get used to this I will have to give up what I think is real and take up something else. I wish I could make sense of information technology.

Possibly I could make my ain picture show. I could write it out and play information technology in my head. I could block out the scenes like we did in school. The moving-picture show volition be the story of my life. No, not my life, merely of this feel. I'll write it down in the notebook they permit me keep. I'll call information technology what the lady who is the prosecutor called me.

Monday, July 6th


FADE IN: INTERIOR: Early morning in Prison cell BLOCK D, MANHATTAN DETENTION Eye. Camera goes slowly downwardly grim, gray corridor. There are sounds of inmates yelling from cell to cell; much of it is obscene. Nearly of the voices are clearly Black or Hispanic. Camera stops and slowly turns toward a cell.

INTERIOR: Cell. Xvi-year-old STEVE HARMON is sitting on the edge of a metal cot, head in hands. He is sparse, dark-brown skinned. On the cot next to him are the suit and necktie he is to wear to court for the first of his trial.

Cut TO: ERNIE, another prisoner, sitting on john, pants down.

CUT TO: SUNSET, another prisoner, pulling on T-shirt.

CUT TO: STEVE pulling coating over his head every bit screen goes night.

Voice-OVER (VO)

Ain't no utilize putting the blanket over your head, man. You can't cutting this out; this is reality. This is the real deal.

VO continues with anonymous PRISONER explaining how the Detention Center is the real thing. As he does, words appear on the screen, just similar the opening credits of the movie Star Wars, rolling from the bottom of the screen and shrinking until they are a mistiness on the top of the screen before rolling off into space.


The Story of





Steve Harmon

Produced past

Steve Harmon

Directed by

Steve Harmon

(Credits continue to roll.)

The incredible story

of how one guy's life

was turned around

past a few events

and how he might

spend the balance of his life

behind confined.

Told as it



Written and directed by Steve Harmon


Sandra Petrocelli

as the Dedicated Prosecutor

Kathy O'Brien

as the Defense Attorney with Doubts

James Male monarch

as the Thug

Richard "Bobo" Evans

every bit the Rat

Osvaldo Cruz, member of the Diablos,

as the Tough Guy Wannabe

Lorelle Henry

equally the Witness

José Delgado…

he found the body

And Starring

16-year-old Steve Harmon

equally the Boy on Trial for Murder!

Filmed at the Manhattan Detention Heart

Set design, handcuffs, and prison outfits by the Land of New York


Yo, Harmon, you gonna eat something? Come up on and get your breakfast, man. I'll take your eggs if you lot don't want them. Yous desire them?

STEVE (subdued)

I'm not hungry.


His trial starts today. He upwards for the large one. I know how that feels.

Cutting TO: INTERIOR: CORRECTIONS DEPT. VAN. Through the bars at the rear of the van, we meet people going nigh the business concern of their lives in downtown New York. There are men collecting garbage, a female person traffic officer motioning for a taxi to make a turn, students on the manner to school. Few people notice the van as it makes its mode from the DETENTION Centre to the COURTHOUSE.

CUT TO: PRISONERS, handcuffed, coming from dorsum of van. STEVE is carrying a notebook. He is dressed in the accommodate and tie nosotros saw on the cot. He is seen only briefly as he is herded through the heavy doors of the courthouse.

FADE OUT equally concluding prisoner from the van enters rear of courthouse.

FADE IN: INTERIOR COURTHOUSE. Nosotros are in a small room used for prisoner-lawyer interviews. A guard sits at a desk backside STEVE.

KATHY O'BRIEN, STEVE'due south lawyer, is petite, cherry-haired, and freckled. She is all business as she talks to STEVE.


Let me brand sure you understand what'southward going on. Both you and this Rex character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is every bit serious every bit it gets. Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor, and she's expert. They're pushing for the decease penalty, which is actually bad. The jury might recollect they're doing yous a big favor past giving you life in prison. So you'd better take this trial very, very seriously.

When you lot're in court, you sit there and you pay attention. You permit the jury know that you think the case is as serious as they do. You don't turn and wave to any of your friends. It's all right to acknowledge your mother.

I have to become and talk to the guess. The trial will brainstorm in a few minutes. Is there annihilation you desire to enquire me earlier information technology starts?


>   You remember we're going to win?

O'BRIEN (seriously)

It probably depends on what you mean by "win."

CUT TO: INTERIOR: Property ROOM. We encounter STEVE sitting at one end of bench. Against the opposite wall, dressed in a sloppy-looking conform, is 23-year-old JAMES KING, the other man on trial. KING looks older than 23. He looks over at STEVE with a hard expect and we come across STEVE await away. Ii GUARDS sit at a table abroad from the prisoners, who are handcuffed. The camera finds the GUARDS in a MEDIUM SHOT (MS). They take their breakfast in aluminum accept-out trays that incorporate eggs, sausages, and potatoes. A Black female STENOGRAPHER pours coffee for herself and the GUARDS.


I promise this example lasts two weeks. I can sure use the money.


Half-dozen days—maybe seven. It's a motility case. They become through the motions; then they lock them upwardly.

(Turns and looks off camera toward STEVE.)

Ain't that right, bright eyes?

Cutting TO: STEVE, who is seated on a low bench. He is handcuffed to a U-commodities put in the bench for that purpose. STEVE looks away from the Baby-sit.

Cutting TO: DOOR. It opens, and COURT CLERK looks in.


2 minutes!

Cutting TO: GUARDS, who hurriedly end breakfast. STENOGRAPHER takes machine into Court. They unshackle STEVE and have him toward door.

Cutting TO: STEVE is made to sit downwards at one table. At another table we see Rex and 2 attorneys. STEVE sits alone. A guard stands backside him. There are one or two spectators in the court. And so four more than enter.

Shut-Up (CU) of STEVE HARMON. The fear is evident on his face.

MS: People are getting ready for the trial to begin. KATHY O'BRIEN sits next to STEVE.


How are you doing?


I'm scared.


Good; yous should be. Anyway, just call up what we've been talking near. The approximate is going to dominion on a motion that Rex'due south lawyer fabricated to suppress Cruz'south testimony, and a few other things. Steve, let me tell you what my task is hither. My chore is to brand certain the law works for you as well equally against you lot, and to make yous a human in the eyes of the jury. Your job is to help me. Any questions you accept, write them down and I'll endeavour to answer them. What are you doing there?


I'm writing this whole thing downwards equally a movie.


Whatever. Make sure yous pay attention. Shut attending.

VO (Courtroom Baby-sit)

All rise.

The JUDGE enters and sits behind bench. He is tall and thin. He pushes his fingers through wisps of white hair and looks over the COURTROOM before sitting. He is a sixty-yr-old New York estimate and already looks bored with the case. The COURT GUARD signals for people to sit.


Prosecution prepare?

SANDRA PETROCELLI, the prosecutor, stands. She is dressed in a gray business suit. She looks intense while still being attractive. Her hair and eyes are dark.


Ready, Your Accolade.



ASA BRIGGS, the lead counsel for the defence of JAMES KING, stands. He is dressed in a dark-bluish suit and a light-blue tie. His eyes are also blueish, and his pilus is white.




Ready, Your Honor.


All right. I'm ruling the child'southward testimony is admissible. You can bring upward your motions relative to that ruling this afternoon or if there'southward a break. Promise everyone had a skillful 4th of July?


The usual barbecue and a softball game that reminded me that I can't run anymore.


With all the fireworks, it'southward my least favorite holiday.


Bring in the jury.

Cut TO: FILM WORKSHOP at Stuyvesant High School. A film on a small screen is just ending. Information technology is a class project, and the camera is shaky. Nosotros spotter as a girl on the screen walks slowly away. Screen goes black, and then dazzling white, then normal every bit lights go on.

We run across MR. SAWICKI, motion-picture show club mentor, and 9 STUDENTS, who are casually dressed.


In a juried competition the ending would have injure this piece, simply otherwise it was interesting. Any comments?

We run across STEVE raising his hand, looking much the same every bit he does in court.


I liked the ending.


I didn't say it was bad, but wasn't it predictable? Yous demand to predict without predicting. Yous know what I mean? When you make a film, yous exit an impression on the viewers, who serve every bit a kind of jury for your film. If you make your film anticipated, they'll make upward their minds well-nigh it long earlier it'due south over.

CUT TO: Court. We run across the JURORS filing in and taking their seats.

STEVE (to attorney)

Y'all think they wait all correct?


They are what we have for a jury. We accept to deal with them.

Cutting TO: LONG SHOT (LS) of PETROCELLI. She stands at the podium in forepart of the JURY. She smiles at the JURORS, and some grinning back.


Expert morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Sandra Petrocelli and I'k an Assistant District Attorney for the Land of New York. I am representing the people in this thing, which you were informed during jury selection is a example of felony murder. We're here today basically because this is non a perfect world. The founding fathers of our state understood this. They knew that in that location would be times and circumstances during which our society would be threatened by the acts of individuals. This is one of those times. A denizen of our city, a citizen of our state and country, has been killed by people who attempted to rob him. To safeguard our society, a system of laws has been created. You, the jury, are function of this arrangement of laws. I represent the State of New York and I am part of that system, as are the estimate and all the participants in this trial. I will do my best to bring you lot the facts of this example, and I know you will practice your best to judge the merits of the case.

Near people in our community are decent, hardworking citizens who pursue their ain interests legally and without infringing on the rights of others. Just in that location are also monsters in our communities—people who are willing to steal and to impale, people who disregard the rights of others.

On the 22nd of December of final year, at approximately iv o'clock in the afternoon, 2 men entered a drugstore on 145th Street in Harlem. The Country will contend that one of those men was Richard "Bobo" Evans. The Country volition debate that the other man who entered the store at that time, and who participated in the robbery and the murder, was James King.

PETROCELLI points to the tabular array at which JAMES Rex sits.

Mr. King is the man sitting at that table who is wearing a brown suit and is sitting at the correct of the table. You were introduced to him during the jury selection process. He is one of the men on trial here today. The purpose of the 2 men entering the store on that Mon was very unproblematic. They were going to rob the owner, 55-year-onetime Alguinaldo Nesbitt. We will prove that although the 2 men did not take a gun with them, the owner of the shop did have a gun for which he had a license, and produced it to defend his property.

Mr. Evans, who participated in the robbery, volition evidence that there was a struggle, which resulted in the gun being discharged and Mr. Nesbitt being killed. Mr. Nesbitt had every correct to defend his property, every right non to be robbed. Nosotros all accept that correct.

Further, there will be show that prior to the robbery there was a programme, or conspiracy, to rob the store. Mr. Evans and Mr. King were to enter the store and exercise the actual robbery. Another of the planners of this crime was to stand outside the drugstore and impede anyone chasing the robbers. The beau who had this assignment volition testify to his role in the thing. Yet another of the conspirators, the planners of this robbery that left a man dead,

was to go into the store prior to the robbery to check information technology out, to make certain that there were no police in the store. To make sure that the declension was articulate, equally they say.

Two of the conspirators will testify to their understanding of this fact. The man who was to enter the store and bank check information technology out is sitting at the other table. His proper noun is Steven Harmon.

Cutting TO: STEVE HARMON. Then: CU of the pad in front of him. He is writing the word Monster over and over again. A white hand (O'BRIEN's) takes the pencil from his hand and crosses out all the Monsters.


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