Can You Have a Healthy Relationship With a Narcissist

If you lot love a narcissist, whether someone officially diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) or someone who just seems more than focused on her- or himself than on you, you have probably been asking yourself if you're crazy, self-subversive, or masochistic. Your friends, family, and therapist may be telling y'all to leave that person and discover someone who will actually honey y'all. And yous're probably reading enough of stuff from professionals and nonprofessionals that has you questioning your own sanity.

Merely here's something y'all won't hear too often: Loving a narcissist can be rewarding as well as difficult. If you really beloved that human or woman, and the relationship works, for the well-nigh part, what can you exercise to aid your love concluding?

There is no fashion to know for sure if any human relationship volition last forever, merely there are several important questions you tin can ask yourself to brand sure that your relationship is on a proficient path.

i. Listen to yourself—advisedly. No matter what yous have been hearing or reading, you aren't crazy or self-destructive to have fallen in dearest with this person. Narcissists can exist charming. Equally my PT colleague Elinor Greenberg writes, they tin can also be wonderful lovers and keen partners—romantic, loving, and terrific in bed. They can fifty-fifty seem to be sensitive to your emotions and tuned in to your needs.

If you are in a relationship with someone who satisfies you virtually of the time, then it really does not affair what other people are saying near her or him—for the nigh office. Simply if you are complaining constantly to your partner or to friends, family, or colleagues, so yous might very well not exist listening to yourself. Is this person suddenly hurting your feelings or making you experience bad about yourself? Practise y'all cling to her or him because y'all experience insecure when yous're apart and when you're together?

These are signs that the relationship is not a proficient one for y'all, but it'southward often hard to hear yourself when this happens. And so listen carefully to what y'all are saying to other people nigh the human relationship. You might hear something you really didn't want to acknowledge—that the relationship is non really worth holding onto. Sometimes, and it may take zippo to do with you (despite what your lover might try to tell you), the relationship goes southward. My colleague Dan Shaw describes some of the reasons that someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) might accept problem loving you over the long booty. Despite the difficulties, it tin exist hard to leave, and I've talked about how difficult it can be to end a human relationship with a narcissist.

ii. Do a cocky-inventory. How much of your love for your partner is what psychoanalysts Frank Lachmann and Robert Stolorow call "gold past association"? Do you feel amend well-nigh yourself, more "golden," so to speak, considering you're with this person? Sometimes we stay with a egotistic lover because information technology makes united states of america feel special—non because of the things our partner says or does to or nearly us, but considering of how others look at and think of him or her. People others admire, await up to, and fifty-fifty envy can seem to glitter with ability and status.

nicoletaionescu / 123RF Stock Photo

Source: nicoletaionescu / 123RF Stock Photo

"Gilded past association" is the feeling that that admiration extends to us because nosotros're associated with them. But ask yourself honestly if what you get from this human relationship is worth what yous take to requite up. Would your self-esteem exist better if you were on your own, away from a disquisitional or neglectful other, even if you didn't get so much public stroking? But if yous listen to yourself and hear that you are getting more than out of this connectedness than not, then follow the adjacent suggestions and come across what happens.

  • What Is Narcissism?
  • Discover a counsellor who understands narcissism

3. Reinforce positive behavior. Researchers disagree about the vulnerabilities of individuals with NPD. Some suggest that they accept certain areas of depression self-esteem, while others say that such claims of self-doubt are commonly bogus. But what seems to exist crucial is that you recognize where and how they need to accept their self-esteem enhanced. Researchers accept constitute that global praise—for instance, "you lot are and so great!"—does niggling to touch the areas in which people with NPD feel insecure. Instead, praising a specific behavior, such equally how well she handled an awkward situation at work or how much your child enjoyed how he read the bedtime story last nighttime, could reinforce the behavior and promote self-esteem if it is an consequence.

4. Practise mindfulness yourself and bring it into your relationship. Research shows that mindfulness practices can help some individuals with NPD, peculiarly in areas in which behavioral changes would make a difference. For instance, mindfulness practices can help them larn to recognize when they are beginning to experience angry then they tin shift their behaviors. Oftentimes these shifts are more than in line with behaving differently than with changing the feelings, but modest behavior changes tin can make a big difference in helping a relationship catamenia smoothly. However, some with NPD may react badly to being told they need to become more than mindful, which is why it can be far more than useful to get-go a mindfulness practice of your ain; then, when your new self-awareness helps y'all behave in a different fashion, you can invite your partner to try it.

Narcissism Essential Reads

v. Be realistic. What tin you really await from your beloved, and what fantasies do yous have to surrender? Research has shown a possible link betwixt egotistic personality disorder and autistic spectrum disorder (many thank you to my PT colleague Susan Heitler for alerting me to this connection). Whether or not this hypothesis is confirmed past farther research, there are certain characteristics shared past the two diagnostic groups, and keeping in mind that some of these qualities generally don't alter much tin save you a bang-up deal of heartbreak.

For instance, if your dearest does not feel empathy in the style that y'all recollect he or she should, you may need to change your expectations. Empathy is not e'er a matter of saying or doing something soothing or loving when you're feeling down or needy. Are there other signs that your needs are beingness responded to? Or is information technology possible that your partner simply cannot feel empathy in the way that you do?

Expecting people to comport better is reasonable (depending on the behavior that y'all're asking them to alter). Expecting them to change their personality is not but unreasonable but is also the reason that many relationships fall autonomously.

melnyk58 / 123RF Stock Photo

Source: melnyk58 / 123RF Stock Photo

6. Exist honest with yourself. Call back what you dear about your partner. And then do an inventory of what you don't like. And then ask yourself these two questions: 1) Do the things you lot love brand upwardly for what is missing? and 2) Can yous live with the things you don't similar?

Because while some things can and, of course, will change over time, some of the stuff that you really don't like may always be function of the parcel.

Please permit me know what you think, through the comment section. Unfortunately, I cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the net. Thanks for understanding. DB


Stolorow, R. (1980). Psychoanalysis of Developmental Arrests. International Universities Press.

Cicchetti, D. (2016). Developmental Psychopathology, Maladaptation and Psychopathology, Vol. 3.

Myers, E. & Ziegler-Hill, V. (November, 2011) How much do narcissists really similar themselves? Using the bogus pipeline procedure to better understand the self-esteem of narcissists. 46(1):102–105. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2011.09.006


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